When you have something very important to do that requires a lot of concentration, do not forget to scatter your mind, and make sure that you will only be able to concentrate in fragments. Your thoughts should be like blotches of random paint thrown onto a canvass.
You go into a frenzy and you try to whip as much paint as you can. The Canvas becomes denser. You step aside to make yourself some coffee, pass through the apartment picking up random small garbage off the floor, and then you realize that pretty much half of the stuff you just did is rubbish, and that’s when you get back to the canvas and you shake some of the paint off it, and then back to the frenzy.
Don’t forget that its best to be in a private setting, or if there are people around then you can bitch at them for messing up your concentration outloud or using your inside voice. Remember! If you bitch right, then you might be able to turn it into a mantra that will help you concentrate on your work.
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